Display Advertising

Be TOp of Mind

Why Display Advertising?

Brand Awareness

Display advertising is one of the most cost effective ways to let people know about your business.


Get more conversions by targeting people who have already visited your website but not yet converted with display advertising.


Only target the specific areas that your business operates in, and don't waste money targeting irrelevant locations with display advertising.

Demographic Targeting

Use display advertising to target your potential buyers by age, gender, and sex to offer your audience more relevant messaging.

Placement Targeting

Are there specific websites your audience frequents? Target those websites with specific display ads for your business.

Intent Targeting

Your target audience is searching for products or services similar to what your business offers. Target these people with relevant ads for your business with display advertising.

Interest Targeting

Show people interested in your product or service ads for your business with display advertising.

Topic Targeting

Show display ads on websites that cover topics directly related to your business.

Keyword Targeting

Use your most highly converting organic and paid search keywords to target display ads to buyers.

Our Competitive Advantages

Why Choose Double R Marketing for Your Display Advertising?

No Setup Fees

Save money by not paying setup fees, and spend more on your display advertising with Double R Marketing.

No Long-Term Contracts

Be free from long-term contracts with monthly management fees, and get the flexibility in display advertising you need from Double R Marketing.

Lower Management Fees

Many advertising agencies will charge a 20% to 30% management fee for display advertising. Get more results and return with lower management fees of 15% from Double R Marketing.

Transparent Pricing

Most agencies don't even show their pricing to you online. Double R Marketing believes in transparency, and is proud to offer management fees of 15% of ad spend for all display campaigns.

Realtime Reporting

For optimal display advertising results, it's important to make decisions on realtime data. That's why we are pleased to offer you realtime dashboards for all display campaigns.

Account Setup to Achieve Your Business Goals

Don't pay for impressions. Let Double R Marketing setup your display advertising to drive more sales.

Ongoing Ad Optimization

We A/B test all our display ads on an ongoing basis to find the optimal ad copy, creative, and ad type to achieve your business goals.

Ongoing Targeting Optimization

Your display advertising performance should improve over time, not get worse. That's why we are always optimizing how your ads are targeted.

Ongoing Conversion Optimization

Get the most conversions possible from your display advertising. Sit back, and let Double R Marketing do more of what converts, and less of what doesn't.

Only Bid on Good Placements

Double R Marketing won't waste your money on placements that don't convert like games and flashlight apps.

Responsive Advertising

We are proud to offer you responsive display ads that appear in more placements, and generally have a lower cost per conversion than standard display banners.

Dynamic Retargeting

Go beyond standard retargeting with dynamic retargeting from Double R Marketing! Advertise the exact products your audience engaged with instead of just generic banners.

Transparent PRicing

How Much Does Display Advertising Cost?

Your Monthly Ad Spend


Our Monthly Management Fee

15% of Ad Spend
No Minimum Spend
No Setup Fees
Book a Call to Get Started

We Will Increase Your Digital Ad Conversions by 30% in 30 Days! Guaranteed!

If we don't, our services are FREE!

Brands We've Worked With